Fox Cubs - EYFS

Welcome to Fox Cubs!
We are the Early Years provision for Fox Wood School, based at our satellite site at Sandy Lane. 
Fox Cubs are a lively class of 8 ASD pupils, who love to play and explore using our senses. We follow the Early Years Development Matters framework with a focus on learning through play. 
We have access to a large outside area, a multi sensory room and a sensory circuit and love to visit the main school site for our weekly music sessions. 
All of the children are provided with a whole school diary which is sent home every day. We use this diary to let you know what we have been up to and pass on any important messages. 
  • Lyndsey Phillips


  • Gemma Capper


  • Vicky Rutter

    Teaching Assistant

  • Lesley Beswick

    Teaching Assistant

  • Laura Graham

    Teaching Assistant


Home School Diaries

We ask families and carers to return the home-school diary each day, as this will enable class staff to provide comments and information about your child's day in school. If there are particular things you wish to be informed about, please speak with the class teacher.

Individual Education Plans

IEP's are priority targets that we choose for your child to work on for each half term; these targets are linked to the targets set out in your child's EHCP. IEPs are updated each half term and sent home for parents to read over and sign. If there is anything that you would particularly like us to be working on please let class staff know.

Class Funds

We kindly ask for a voluntary contribution of £1.50 each week towards our class snack. You can send your own snack in if you would prefer to do this for your child.