Early Help

Early Help
We understand that many children and families experience difficult times throughout their journey through school and may need extra support, we also understand how disability can make parenting challenging, therefore, we are here to listen and offer support whenever it is needed.  
Early Help helps you to recognise what is going well for you and your family, where you may benefit from extra help, and who is the best person to work with you and your family to make this happen. Early Help is a voluntary process and does not involve statutory agencies such as Social Care.
For more information about Warrington's Early Help offer please visit: https://www.warrington.gov.uk/early-help or you can contact our Pastoral Support Officer, Laura Simms on 01925 811534 or lsimms@foxwoodschool.org.uk who will be happy to discuss the process with you in more detail and work with you to complete an Early Help Assessment.
Additional Support
If you are in need of additional support and are in crisis during holiday periods please contact your Family Support Worker or Social Worker.
If you do not have a support worker please contact Children's Social Care on
01925 443322

These websites and resources have useful information which you may find helpful.